Monday, 1 December 2008

It's Been Too Long

I've been away from Blogland too long and feel so bad. I shouldn't really as I have been getting on with life - everyday day things that need to be done - family stuff that needs to be nurtured and awarded more quality time than other things - and yes that includes blogging:-) Then are other commitments, deadlines to meet, creative projects that have been filed under "Procrastination" - (yes with a capital P) - for too long! Watching TV - yes I actually enjoy doing that:-) and just stuff in general. But at the back of it all there has been the guilt slowly simmering away, nudging at the core of me, niggling and eating away, reminding me that I've been neglecting this commitment (and yes in a way it is a commitment from when you first start a blog) and that I've been away too long and should get back. So here I am again folks - back on my blog page ready to share so much with you all.

In fact there has been a lot of things I've wanted to share with you guys projects I've been involved with, swaps, creative stuff as well as life stuff like shows I've seen and exhibitions I've attended. So, hop on board and buckle up and we'll go for a ride through my life........... well not quite but you know what I mean I'm sure:-)As this would be an absurdly lengthy post if I were to fit in all that I've seen and done since my absence, I think it more fitting to back track a little and start with some of the shows I've seen.

Hairspray leaflet Hairspray Ticket

poster for Hairspray

Last month my daughter Meena and I went to see "Hairspray" the Musical on stage at The Shaftsbury Theatre, Holborn. I was familiar with the story since I'd seen the John Travolta film - which I loved and became familiar with the songs too, which were so unbelievably catchy (that I find myself still singing and humming them!). I haven’t seen the original film starring Rikki Lake – must get round to that!

The Shaftsbury Theatre, Shaftsbury Ave, Holborn London
A beautiful Old Theatre

Hairspray The Musical
Anyway, all I can say was that we were just blown away with the sheer vitality of the show – the performance, the stage settings, the songs – everything was just so OTT and corny and yet so exhilarating and entertaining. I couldn’t stop bouncing in my seat and singing along to the songs (I’m sure much to the exasperation my neighbouring seatholders!) Well I was having a grand old time and that’s what you go to the theatre for isn’t it?

Interior of the Shaftsbury Theatre - Box seats and Circle

Box seats in Shaftsbury Theatre

I would really recommend this show if you’re feeling kinda low or want to have a good night out with the girls – it really is a feel good production and I defy anyone not to come out of there uplifted and happy:-)

We enjoyed the show immensely (as you can tell:-)) and I’d go back to watch it again given half the chance. As it is, I continually to catch the film on TV and have to watch it each time. I will be buying the soundtrack on CD and the film on DVD. But for those of you unfamiliar with any of the songs you can catch them on YouTube.

Hairspray - It is what it claims to be!